Abstract Stage, a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic | Fanfiction.net

Pairings: This is supposed to be Thornshipping (Anzu x Yami/Dark Marik), though there are a couple other potential implications in here.

Premise: I’d rather not give this one away here. I think you can catch on.

Summary: “No, Marik’s character is making a desperate gambit in a very small window of time that is closing quickly. Though he’s trying to convince his prey that he’s going to be successful, the truth is that his story is in danger of being buried in the struggle between the Pharaoh and The Darkness.”

Continuity: This is an AU, but is heavily intertwined with DM continuity; in some weird place between anime and real life.

Warnings: Non-con. 😦

Notes: Scene references taken Episodes 74 and 89 of the English YGO DM series, and perhaps one or two things from the episodes in between.

Welp, this round was very challenging for me. I’m not going to lie. For the first time in this Season of the contest, I’m afraid I’ll have to go with an AU. I usually only try to reserve those for when I’m having difficulty fitting something into the canon (not that that’s the only reason to write AU; I just enjoy challenging myself with canon connectivity), and I have no shame in admitting that one above is something I find difficult.

Yami Marik is just one of those plot devices (I’m afraid he’s not really a character, in my opinion) whose head is difficult to get into so far as I’m concerned. That’s probably because he’s already a part of someone else’s head. To me, this pairing is difficult in canon without going through the ‘trigger heavy’ route, and with good reason – being a murderous Id who revels in making others suffer is difficult to portray in any other way. That can get boring after a while of the same repetitive plot (particularly on – kidnapping, mind slave based non-con), so I tried to add a spin to mine. I don’t think that I can function without some connection to the canon, however, so we’ll see how well I do in this AU. Thanks to everyone who’s been supportive with the feedback and responses.

♫♪~ Time ~♪♫

June 6, 2012

I know I said that I was going to hurry up with the character construction post, but I had to post about this song that is simply rich in character development/scenario material.

I’ve been listening to this song at work today. The lyrics just fit a lot of fandoms, and is very surely useful for original content, so I thought that I would leave it here.
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¤ Contest Ahoy! ¤

May 13, 2012

I said I was going to try to keep this blog from being too Yu-Gi-Oh! heavy, but it’s difficult to let people know what I’m doing and what I’m into when a majority of my fandom involvement is in that particular one. What I will do, though, is attempt to keep this post short to stop it from being overwhelming. It’s a bit of a shameless plug, so I don’t think it’ll be too painful.

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