I hope you’re not tired of all of the special characters yet~

In any case, I thought that I would list my post categories so that they’re all in one place. I know that sometimes it’s annoying to have to flip through pages for context clues on how a blogger uses what and in what way. Luckily WordPress keeps them all in an alphabetical list for me to make this post easier to do.

Without further ado:

About My Life – Pretty self explanatory. If I’m typing about events in my life the post will have this tag. I plan on using this for general posts concerning personal information about me.

Anime/Manga – I watch/read a lot of this stuff, so it’s natural that there be a category for it. Because of its Eastern origin (sort of) and style, as well as many of the traditions and sub-cultures tied into it, I don’t see either of these as being equal to television shows or novels. Analogous, sure, but they’re not exactly the same, and I would like to keep them separate. It’s very true that this may be because of fandom brainwashing, as Western/Eastern, Anime/Non-Anime seem to but heads at many points, but for the most part the formatting for distribution and the trends of receptions are simply different and I’m not willing to group them together.

Books – I’m an avid reader when I’m not having the life sucked out of me by school, so if I hear news about or read something and I want to mention it, I’ll use this. It’s more of a marker for indication – if I’m writing about a new fandom or something similar, I would like everyone to know what sort of media it happens to be in. This would also be a convenient category in case a fandom is both a book and something else as well.

D Saint Radio – I help host geeky podcast episodes for this group, and because I’m the only fan-dom (get it? Like fem-dom? …that wasn’t funny, was it?) in the group of podcast hosts I usually end up providing information about fannish things to the show. Sometimes, however, DSR does post about things that may be relevant or simply amazing, and if I end up linking to one of their posts or featuring a site or video that they found over there first, this will be there as a tag to let you guys  know. Just in case anyone wanted to know, the very geeky blog and podcast can be found here, at DSaintRadioBlog.wordpress.com.

Delays/Distractions – I’m not going to lie, I anticipate a time where I’ll be too busy to post frequently or when I’m avoiding doing other work. If I post about something I find to either distract you from the lack of posts or to distract myself from whatever it is I’m supposed to be doing, it’ll have this tag. I’ll tell you now, these posts are very likely to be images and videos.

FanArt – Unlike the above, posts with this tag will be relevant to something, either fanficcing, a fandom I’m into or like, or it will have inspired a question, though, or plot bunny.

Fandom – Whenever you see this tag, you’ll know I’m discussing something that has to do with the fandoms I participate in. I’m afraid I’ll have to admit that I don’t like/know about/write about everything, so the likelihood that it’ll be about a fandom you enjoy depends on how much we have in common. I’ll be adding other tags to the post, though, so it should be obvious which fandom(s) I’m discussing.

Fanfic Recs – If I’m using this tag, it means that I’m recommending a fanfic. Pretty self-explanatory.

Fanon – This tag indicates that I’m discussing an accepted fact or trend within a specific fandom.

General Writing – When I discuss writing in general, with limited ties to fanfiction or fandom, I’ll use this.

Headcanon – Headcanon is the universe that exists in someone’s head for a character or setting of a story. If I’m talking about any of the works I’ve written or the settings that they were written in, I’ll use this. Expect this and the Fandom category to be the best of friends.

IMHO – In My Honest Opinion. You’ll be able to tell when a rant or particularly snarky opinion is coming. These will not be terribly arrogant posts, and they are not likely to be explained. Sometimes it’s nice to get what’s on your chest off of it without having to analyzed every single statement and list supporting evidence. This is where I’m going to put posts for those sorts of things. Venting, if you will.

Lists – As a perfect example, this page features a list. Sometimes I use blogs as a way to organize my thoughts. Sometimes certain subjects require organization before discussing them thoroughly. If I want to list ideas for stories or something like that, I’m likely to use a list as well. Some prompts or challenges may also be posted in my blog as lists.

Mature Content – Pretty much what it says. I’m definitely talking about things I wouldn’t want a child to hear. Or at least not in the context I’m going to mention it in.

Movies – Like the Books tag, this is so that a person can tell what category the fandom I may be discussing is a part of.

Music/Songfic – This is similar to Movies and Books, but with an added meaning. If I come across a song that might be suitable for/inspire a fic, I’ll probably discuss it and its lyrics here.

Musings – My thoughts on certain things. While these posts will be opinion, they will be heartfelt opinion supported by experience in fandom, sometimes evidence and other influencing concepts. Also in depth thoughts about certain fanon aspects will be posted under this.

Plot Bunnies – Whenever I get plot ideas, you’ll see this tag!

Posed Question – If I get a question, via either email or review, I’ll answer it in a post categorized as this!

Posting a Fanfic! – When I feel like sharing something directly on the blog, I’ll be doing so under this category.

Roleplaying – I roleplay on the side. It’s text RP, so it bears some similarities to fanfiction, and if I’m discussing anything related to my adventures there, I’ll post it under this.

Shameless Plug – Whenever I post something I like, just to advertise it, I’ll use this tag. Shameless plugs will almost always be videos or websites that don’t really have anything to do with writing in any way, nor contribute to my writing in any capacity.

Something New! – Whenever I discover something truly interesting, I’ll post it under this. The difference between this and a Shameless Plug will most likely be my interest level. Plugs are likely to be for things I’m already familiar with but remember the awesomeness off. Anything tagged with this will be a recent discovery, complete with a detailed review of my first impression on its functionality. New Fics I find which are not quite good enough for a Rec will likely end up here, or new authors in their entirety.

Technicalities – Whenever I’m discussing technicalities in someone’s work, or a writing dynamic that is detail oriented, I will use this tag. I’m not going to lie, his tag will mostly be used on discussions of depictions of sex and body movements/actions/positions.

The “Just In” Experience – Occasionally, I go to the front pages of the archives I’m fond of (which are really only FF.net and Ao3, at this current time) and look for newly published fics. This is different from looking for something “new” to read; I’m literally reading stories that were published recently. No, I am not reading for any particular fandom, although the risk of YGO fanfiction with me is very high. Regardless, I’ll post about the trends I noticed in fanficiton published that day and discussed the things I liked the most/least about the group of fanfiction I read over all or about specific pieces. No, in case you were wondering, I do not use this as an excuse to simply rag on authors. This is a regular practice of mine outside of this blog, and there have been several occasions where I’ve found something (or some things!) worthwhile.

TV – Like the other three media categories, this is mostly for labeling.

Uncategorized – For really general stuff, or for things that are too half-assed to belong to any one particular category.

Video Games – Another labeling category.

When Things Happen – For describing events …well, that happen to me. Self-explanatory. Experiences that are unexpected, surprising, or that catch me off guard.

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